Now I have been warned by the Holy Spirit that More Judgement is coming on the CITY OF LUBBOCK TEXAS and Lubbock Texas itself, Namely the CITY OF LUBBOCK POLICE DEPARTMENT.
Before I go on, I show evidence of this fact:
This picture and film was taken by Susan Collet Anne Grisanti on June 15th 2012 in a thunderstorm with me Her Husband Kim Wade Gatewood standing right beside her as she was filming this Bow and Arrow. There are 3 arrows aimed right at the CITY OF LUBBOCK POLICE DEPARTMENT!
Again before I go on, I give history of the facts:
1. In late 2005 I was sitting on a bench on 19th and Ave Q at a Business and I saw an F9 Tornado cross Ave Q and hit the CITY OF LUBBOCK CITY HALL AND THE CITY OF LUBBOCK POLICE DEPARTMENT after the end of a court case I was trumped up on, that being Court Case 2003-485577 Executed by the CITY OF LUBBOCK POLICE DEPARTMENT AND OFFICER SGT KEVIN HENLEY.
I ran around and Prophesied this F9 Tornado hitting the CITY OF LUBBOCK CITY HALL AND THE CITY OF LUBBOCK POLICE DEPARTMENT as Ground Zero.
I watched and watched until 2007 it came on the news that the F.B.I. had an investigation of funds that were miss appropriated.
Many people lost their jobs in both the CITY OF LUBBOCK CITY HALL and the CITY OF LUBBOCK POLICE DEPARTMENT POLICE CHIEF and Assistant POLICE CHIEF lost their jobs due to Lies and a Coverup of Killing a young man with a Taser gun. When I saw the news report the Holy Spirit told me, "My Son, there is your F9 Tornado."
2. When SGT KEVIN HENLEY arrested me, he had a younger Officer named BLAKE LITTLEJOHN take me into custody and take me to the CITY OF LUBBOCK POLICE DEPARTMENT. On the way to the Police Department I was in the back seat praying in the Spirit in the gift of other tongues at 1Co 12:4 Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit.
1Co 12:5 And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord.
1Co 12:6 And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all.
1Co 12:7 But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal.
1Co 12:8 For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit;
1Co 12:9 To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit;
1Co 12:10 To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues:
1Co 12:11 But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will.
I directed this Word of Knowledge at Officer BLAKE LITTLEJOHN and told him, "I duly hereby give you a warning." He said, "Is this a threat?" I said, "No, it is a warning, and that warning is ,
Psa 105:14 He suffered no man to do them wrong: yea, he reproved kings for their sakes;
Psa 105:15 Saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm.
In this Warning the Holy Spirit showed me that you Blake Littlejohn have a sexual Lust in your heart and it will come out and all of Lubbock and the South Plains will see it and you will loose your badge." 3 Months later Officer Blake Littlejohn pulled a girl over on 19th and Ave L and found she had a warrant, so he told her he would fore-go the warrant and the ticket if she would do a sexual favor for him. This young lady turned him into the Officials and Officer Blake Littljohn lost his badge.
3. A year later I was in an accident on Southeast drive and my Dad's Trailer came unhooked from my truck and hit my truck on the right side and threw me into the Ditch. Lubbock County E.M.S. took me to University Medical Center to do a workup. As I was in the E.R. this Officer named Jacob Oberman came in and threatened me due to the fact I demanded a Deputy Sheriff there. He refused and threatened to write as many tickets as he could if I didn't cooperate. I then warned Officer Jacob Oberman Psa 105:14 He suffered no man to do them wrong: yea, he reproved kings for their sakes;
Psa 105:15 Saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm.
And at that time a D.P.S. Trooper that was listening took Officer Jacob Oberman outside of the E.R. and said something to him. Officer Jacob Obermen came back in to the E.R. After I was Praying in the Spirit in tongues and told me he would go about his business and leave me his card. I then told Officer Jacob Oberman, "I have a warning for you, you have a problem with alcohol and that alcohol will get you fired and you will loose your badge." A few months later Officer Jacob Oberman was at a Party in the Police car and got drunk. Other Officers let the air out of his tires, but Officer Jacob Oberman drove anyway and got a D.W.I. and lost his badge.
4. Many years the Holy Spirit would order me to point my finger at Police Officers and Speak "IN the name and in the authority of Jesus Christ the anointed one I command that your sins against the Holy Written Word (Maxim of Law) and your Crimes against the Constitution for the united States of America, and the Constitution of the Republic of Texas and the Constitution of the State of Texas to be exposed for all the world to see." Then I would blow a deep breath at them.
As a result many corrupt Officers on the CITY OF LUBBOCK POLICE DEPARTMENT was caught in corruption and lost their badges.
Now, First, since March 4, 2013 it the investigation of the suicide of my Wife Susan Collett Anne Grisanti,
the CITY OF LUBBOCK POLICE DEPARTMENT DETECTIVE DANIEL WILLIAMS absolutely refused to back me in the fact I am Susan Collett Anne Grisanti's Common Law Husband and allowed Carter E. Stanley to sell all of my Wife's things and allowed Susan's cousin Mary Kathleen Grisanti to take my Wife's body from behind my back somewhere unknown to me and Cremate her Body. I did not get the things I demanded, A Her pony tail, B. Her ashes, C. the Acoustical Guitar, D. the Bose P.A. and E. The Sony Cameras in which the Sony Cameras and Bose P.A. and the Acoustical Guitar was left to me in the suicide letter Susan Collett Anne Grisanti wrote to me.
DETECTIVE DANIEL WILLIAMS told me to accept it and go on because I was Shit out of luck and that he counted me and Susan Collett Anne Grisanti as Engaged instead of Common Law Married.
Second, I was asked by members of New Beginnings Church to move my trailer and I had asked permission from a Manager of a store if I could park the trailer on their property and he gave me that permission to do so.
This morning May 22, 2013, I got up to go do some things and I found 2 stickers from the CITY OF LUBBOCK POLICE DEPARTMENT CODE ENFORCEMENT one stuck to my truck and one stuck to my trailer saying I was in violation of parking my truck and trailer on property without permission and I had 48 hrs to remove them or they would be impounded.
I went and asked the store Manager if the CITY OF LUBBOCK POLICE DEPARTMENT CODE ENFORCEMENT had had the respect to come and ask him if I had permission. He told me they did not ask him anything.
Third: That covers all 3 arrow strikes Susan Collett Anne Grisanti filmed. Therefore, God's Judgement is coming on the CITY OF LUBBOCK POLICE DEPARTMENT for their actions against me a Pastor, Prophet and Evangelist carrying the anointing of Jesus Christ the anointed one.
Fourth: Here is the Prophecy God gave to me:
" I am the Great God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, My Son you have earnestly seek d, earnestly asked and earnestly knocked. That, that I said I would do I will do.
God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good? I change not, I am the same yesterday, today and forever.
My Son, you are one in this town who has the heart of King David, seeking after my own heart. My Son all those who presumed to tell you what I can and can't do and who has doubt and unbelief and told you, its just your flesh and all those who told you, God doesn't love you enough to do what you are asking, and those who has dealt with you in a cold inconsiderate manner and judged you un-righteously, and turned their back on you shall hang their head in shame. All of the evil doers who used witchcraft will be judged, all those who did not consider your feelings will be judged. I the Great God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob will show my mighty awesome power in this town, sending shock waves through the whole world. I shall restore your Bride/Wife to you, and everyone's jaw will hit the ground. She shall be restored with no scratch or blemish and her attitudes will be different, she shall do according to My will. Your ministry with her will be a Mighty ministry. I shall remove the pain and heartache from your heart.
I am giving you a good job that Satan can't touch, I will drop it in your lap. All Shall be restored unto you My Dear Son.
When I am finished, you will be full of joy, screaming, Taste and see, God is so good that His mercy and loving kindness enureth forever, Look and see what the hand of the Almighty God has done. Peace be to your heart, Settle it in your heart, It is done, it is My will. This is My will. Trust Me My Son and no other."
Fifth, since then the Holy Spirit showed me a hand coming out of the Eastern Sky crushing Park Tower and the Holy Spirit told me that there is an Earthquake coming to Lubbock Texas and Park Tower is Ground zero. The Holy Spirit told me that in this Earthquake that there will be a large crack down Ave Q and the whole city will shake under His Awesome and Mighty power.
Beware: The Judgement of Almighty God will strike Lubbock Texas soon.
March 8, 2015,
Since I wrote this post and getting through all the tears, some things has come clearer to me.
The hand I saw in the Eastern Sky was not coming down, it was lifting up. When God lifts His hand that means His protection has lifted. Then in 04/30/2014
Park Tower Owner Talks After Deadly Accident, $1 Million Lawsuit
Next thing is that I got reports from a young Lady who I will leave nameless that some wild evil demonic things going on up there at Park Tower.
The crack I saw wasn't a literal Earthquake in the natural since, it was the cracking of the hearts of those people who knew and loved Susan Grisanti. Lubbock s heart cracked and broke when she passed away. So the Earthquake did come, it was with the news of Susan's passing and the crack in Lubbock s heart did happen with the same news.
Then I hear that the CITY OF LUBBOCK POLICE DEPT wants a new building. People have said, "Well everyone else got new buildings, D.P.S. County Jail, its that L.P.D. is feeling left out."
I on the other hand have Joked alot saying, "Recon they are afraid of Susan's Bow and Arrow Video?"
As for Susan, I found out she was taken to Ohio and buried instead of cremated.
I know an honest law man not far away with an anointing, who if he speaks judgment...